Lean In Web-D Circle Orientation

Sun, Sep 13, 2020 One-minute read

The best part about learning is getting to spread that knowledge by teaching someone else. With that thought in mind, I applied to be a mentor in the Web Development circle of Lean In IGDTUW.

After an initial screening and an interview, I was selected along with three amazing co-mentors Pooja Gera, Ishika Bansal and Shambhavi Srivastava. What followed was a series of fun introductions over chat, and our very first video call where we discussed our action plan for the sessions to be conducted.

Finally, today we had our Orientation and met the mentees for the first time. We made the most of this virtual meetup, making it as interactive as possible! After brief introductions by the mentors, we walked the mentees through the agenda for the circle and addressed any questions they had regarding the same.

Lastly, we had an ice-breaker (that stole the show) so that the mentees got to know each other better.

The orientation was certainly a success! Looking forward to the sessions ahead and what we will accomplish together.


Lean In Web Development Circle Orientation