Of GitHub and projects! - Mentorship Program 2.0 Week 2

Sun, Feb 2, 2020 2-minute read

After an exciting first week of the WWC Mentorship Program, followed an eventful second week. To start off, we were introduced to our new partner Tanya. Another round of introductions was done, after which we had our first call for the second week.


For me, this week focused mainly on GitHub and the selection of a project. On call, Mansi di told us about how she found Hackathons to be a great platform to get projects built and ready to go. Since there’s always a deadline, there’s always motivation to get it done. By the same token, I feel this program has helped me become more productive too. Anushka, my fellow mentee also wanted help with GitHub, so Mansi di sent us a link to an informative tutorial regarding the same. Since I had my college’s annual fest this week, Mansi di has scheduled a doubt-clearing session for next week. She emphasized the need to put your project on GitHub as soon as you’re done with it so that your activity looks consistent.

Second Week Overview

I am really eager to get started with a project during this program as I’m sure having deadlines for tasks will increase productivity. So we also discussed what sort of projects would be suitable for me. Mansi di recommended me an OpenCV project that she had done — Project Jhapki. In simple words, it is a drowsiness detection app that monitors the driver’s state and alerts them with an alarm when it detects drowsiness. This is going to be the primary agenda for next week.

We also discussed some doubts regarding the application for Outreachy. In addition, she agreed that it would be a great idea to participate in the GirlScript Summer Of Code this year as it is aimed at beginners like myself, so she would be reviewing my application for the same.


Little by little, a little becomes a lot!
